Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Firecrackers: Cracking 2013! - Week 39.Serving in Cagayan

So yeah! It's new year!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I'm still here in the office. Haha! Talk about staying long enough to love my area. And, welcome 2013! WOO! I'm doing really great now.

That's right, I'm staying another transfer here in the office. So, a total of 30 weeks, or 7 1/2 months or so. I'll be hitting my 10 month mark in the Mission. DOUBLE DIGIT! Yeah! That was so fast!

Anyways, news news news... I'm really sorry everyone for not doing my updates. Been so busy with office works and proselyting stuffs. I guess the Holidays also has its toll on us Office Elders. Haha.

Christmas was great! We had a feast of course. Food were over-pouring. It was fun! We're always full. Haha! I've learned so much that Christmas. I just realized how I love doing this work. I know that I'm at the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. I felt sincere pondering that I'm a Missionary that time of the year. I just realized how Christmas really means. Serving others paid off I guess.

My birthday was also great. They surprised me! It was not P-Day so I worked as hard as I can, so they easily surprised me because I got pre-occupied with work. Haha! A member also invited us for dinner which was fantastic. Man, "lechon" is overflowing here! Talk about hypertension. My bestfriend. Haha...

As for New Year, it was a blast! We were upstairs when the clock was almost at 12 because you really can't sleep with the noise outside. Good thing is, we have a 180 degree view of our surrounding so firework displays we were watching were like 5 spots. Haha! It was beautiful to just watch the fireworks and not playing with them. At least it was safe... Before that, we had a Family Home Evening at the Hernaez Family, at the Mission Home. I gave the lesson, my very first FHE lesson in the Mission! It was nerve-racking but at least preparations paid off. I shared about obedience. It was the best things I've learned last year, 2012. Sometimes, we may see things as harmless, or we want things to happen our way, or so. But, I've learned that Heavenly Father's plan is always the best just like the quote I love says, "When God speaks and we obey, we will always be right". And it is true! That's why we had a baptism before the year ended. He's a strong convert. I can truly say. It's the best feeling to see someone receive the Gospel and become an instrument for them to receive it. I was actually the one who baptized him so it was really really great! I can't forget it, my very first baptism in the Mission. And because of that, I always know that the Lord will always do His part as we do our part. :)

1st day of 2013, I've remembered what President told us during the family home evening. He told us to strive harder, envision more and stretch ourselves this 2013, so that's what I am thinking of. I set some goals on how to even convert myself because it will surely increase my desire to serve Him. These goals will better help the area, my companion and me of course. It's going to be great, hopefully. Haha!

I remembered Enos 1 suddenly after talking to someone. It reminded me of a study journal entry I had. It's about forgiveness and repentance. And, thinking about the things that I still lack and the things I did wrong last year, it paved way for me to pray more fervently like what Enos did. It's just a great feeling. Hehe...

Anyways, work was a little slow. Holidays sure is a busy time of the year. Also, transfers and zone interviews are up for this week, so, our schedule is so tight! Haha!!! Also, our sunday service schedule will change from morning to afternoon, another transition! Oh boy. It made me and my companion a bit crazy in terms of planning. What a challenge! Haha! Since Sunday and Saurday are the only day where we proselyte full time, take off Sunday, that'll be a problem. Haha!

I love you all so much! Thanks for the letters last time, especially that big card I received in time before Christmas from the ward. And, I do miss the Missionaries I work with at PQCM. Some already finished their Mission and some are almost done with theirs. Time pass by so freaking fast!

I'm stoked what's in store for 2013. I only have 6 weeks left to spend here in the office, so, it's interesting. I'm starting to love being here actually. I love the work. I love the area. I love my companion. Most especially, I've learned to increase my love for others. ^^,

Thanks for everything! Also, my tagalog is really deteriorating in terms of my accent. Hahaha!!! Oh well, I don't know if I can fix that after my Mission but it'll be interesting.

So yeah! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Love y'all!

Elder Dimazana

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