Saturday, 29 September 2012

Golf and President! Yeah! - Week 25.Serving in Cagayan

"No matter the size of the issue, how we respond can reset the course of out life." This is one of the greatest learning I had this past week. Well, things do get rough at times. I guess that's normal especially to us Missionaries. So, there are times that my companion is not in the mood or just get a 'bad day' if you want to call it. And it's the same for me as well. Haha. And because of that, trials come such as a little misunderstanding. But, things like that helps you to learn something. It's always good to take a step back and realize our flaws and try to fix them. I know I'm not good handling those things personally, but the Lord wants me to just DO IT. To really take action. To have that strength and courage I need. And in the end, just like Pres. Monson said, "as you follow the Lord's inspiration, there's a sweet and undeniable assurance that all will be well." I know this beforehand to be true, and I continue to experience it again and again.

This may sound funny but, sometimes, when I know what I should do, I just don't do it because I have doubts and anxieties that I'm not capable of doing it, that I'll just wait for others to respond, that someone will do something, etc. But I learned that things need to begin with me first. That I need to decide and take action. And it's a great principle I learned here in the Mission Field. During our weekly planning, my companion came across an interesting scripture verse, which I felt so much (I don't know if he felt it too), just what I need the whole day after a night's stress. The scripture verse is Mormon 9:31 which says, "Condemn me not because of mine imperfection... but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been." Actually, it was a scripture verse he shared to me that we could use in our teaching, but reading it, became more personal to me. He was sharing his thoughts and I was attentively listening. And, this scripture is what I just needed! I've been praying for guidance on how I could enjoy the work without putting so much thought to it. It helped me redefine some of my flaws. I am so stiff with most of the things because I understand them differently. 

I remembered a film I watched before I went here on my mission entitled "One Man's Treasure". Thinking back, I want to be enthusiastic as before I've been on my mission. I really miss working with those cool elders (hehe). I was actually working on some things for myself because I've been too serious. Hahaha... I have seen some things here that are contrary to what I expected. I guess that's the Mission Field. And I need to stay strong. And that's the hardest part. But, with the things that I learn and realize just by pondering on what my companion teach me at times, it helped me a ton. He may not be the most skilled or the brightest missionary there is, but in his simplicity, I learned to take things simply. Ironic. Haha. But, the small things I've learned from him made a huge impact in my life. He taught me that I can do things. He taught me that I need not to be alone. He taught me about how weaknesses can be made strong. But most important of all, he taught me how to be a better missionary. (:

Actually, I just had the most stressful day, yet the most coolest day in the Mission. For the past days, I've been lonely with some things, and I'm stressed out emotionally, to the point that I didn't talk that much for two days. I was crying for the past few days. For 2 days, I was not talking to almost anyone as well. The office staffs was asking me if I have a problem or if my companion is not treating me well. But, after Monday's work, me and my companion had our evaluation. I told him what my problems are and he told me what his problems are because we're not in good terms for the past 2 days. Never have I expected that that evaluation would bring so much change in our companionship. Yeah, both of us were so emotional and we opened to each other, helped each other and set goals. The Spirit was there while we were talking to each other. It was the most amazing experience I had in the mission. I never thought how my companion was so much thankful to have me as his companion, neither does he. If only I can tell everything that I've experienced during that night. All I can say is, our companionship is the best! Haha... But seriously, it's so great to have a good relationship with your companion. He became my friend and my brother. (:

Well, I'm still looking forward for the coming days ahead. Time's so fast. I can't even feel that it's been a week already, that a new week is before me. I've been out for almost 6 months, so freakin fast! Geez. If every BOY goes on a mission, he'll be a MAN when he gets back, prepared for life as long as he does what he needs to do.

Oh well. That's my week. Take care! Peace! 


We spent our P-day with our Mission President and his family. We had our P-day at Dahilayan. It was so cool! My first time to do some things and helped us refresh our minds for the coming week ahead. We even played golf! (Just putting). But at least, it's fun! Hahaha... Hopefully we will have it again! Hehehe...

So yeah, that's my week. Letters please? :3

With love from Mindanao,
Elder Dimazana
Philippines Cagayan De Oro Mission

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Rushed... and Fine (At Least) - Week 24.Serving in Cagayan

Ahoy! Haha... It's quite a learning week for me. I've learned so much and realized so much this past week.

Last Sunday, I got rushed in the hospital. After Ward Council Meeting, me and my companion decided to go home since I am so hot because of my fever and my head feels so heavy, I actually don't understand what we've discussed in Ward Council Meeting halfway though since I feel a bit dizzy. Then, when we got home, I rested but couldn't sleep because of my fever and was having chills. Around 9PM I think, they've insisted to take me to the hospital because I really am not feeling so well. So, we did. While in the car, I was chilling so much! Then, when we were on our way, I experienced chills with edema (my hands and feet were numbe), in short, I was almost in seizures but tried my best to be awake. Then, one of the APs rushed from the front seat to the back seat and told my companion to bless me. It was surreal because, my situation was actually a bit scary but through that blessing, things changed. I remained more calm and my faith grew that all will be well. I was still having chills when we got home and needed to take up some meds. I was thankful for my companion for his sacrifice in taking care of me. Truly, he treated me not just an ordinary friend, but a brother. He sacrificed some of his sleep to watch over me and help me take my meds. My testimony about the power of the priesthood grew because of that experience.

Morning came, and as me and my companion went on our way for the Zone Training Meeting (I'm still not feeling well though), he related to me his experience while giving me a blessing. It was weird for him that time since, it was so spiritual. And, I felt what he said.

As for this week, it was actually a great week for me. There are good things and bad things that happened to me this past week. And yes, I was actually a bit stressed out with the events that happened the previous week. I couldn't help but think and ponder about the things that happened and its significance in my life.

For the good part, we held a second special sacrament last Sunday for one of our Less-Actives who's not able to go to church due to her condition, and to our surprise, she was so happy waiting for us while sitting and she groomed herself a bit. The sacrament went well and sister was thankful as ever to our Heavenly Father that she may renew her covenants with Him.

As for the ward, we had a home-teaching caravan which was great since the home teachers are now moving and doing the work. Also, we were thankful for the Ward Executive Secretary since he helped us in updating the New and Returning Member Progress Forms. We had a meeting with him before teaching the Less-Active father of his wife and set goals and plans for the month. After which, we taught the Less-Active father of his wife, along with some of their family members. It was actually a spirit-filled experience for me because the Spirit was there when we gave the lesson and I know in time, that family will be completed again in going to church every Sunday. I was so thankful for that lesson since I learned as well, about the importance of doing family prayer, family scripture study and attending Church as a family.

As for the not-so-good part, last Saturday, I really got stressed out in the afternoon and was not feeling well. So I told E. Pangilinan that I need to rest which we did. Lately, I've been thinking too much and been serious with some stuffs. I did have a hard time getting those things out of my mind so I asked E. Pangilinan for a blessing of comfort and after which I rested for the rest of the day.

Sunday came and before we work, he talked to me sincerely because he's concern with me with the consistent highblood pressure I had for the past days and if I'm stressed out as well as if there are things that I needed to tell him. It was actually the best time for me to tell him the things that's bugging me for a while. I told him of those things and asked his help and understanding. He told me of simple things that I could do and lightened me up. It was actually great because I feel more comfortable talking to him as my companion and opening to him more and more. I was thankful for that experience. I maybe weak at times because of my fears, but he told me that I need to "decide" on things that I need to do. To have that courage and strength I need. I'm continually praying and hoping for opportunities to improve so I could help more souls as I do the Lord's work. To really loosen up a bit and be "enthusiastic" with the work.

For the past few days I've been hoping and praying for strength so I can be the Missionary the Lord wants me to be, to really bring out the best in me and be a better servant to those whom I serve. Now, I'm still strengthening up my resolve to overcome my fears and to do better. The past days and the things I learned was so personal for me. I can't help but sing at times hymn #112 "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul". I am so much grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which helped me so much, to do things beyond my reach. My weaknesses have helped me step by step to become better, and to look forward to the promise in Ether 12:27.

I'm still waiting for letters though. It's almost christmas and my birthday as well... Hahaha...

Oh well. Take care you all! :D

Elder Dimazana
Philippines Cagayan De Oro Mission

Saturday, 15 September 2012

More Than I Knew! - Week 23.Serving in Cagayan

So, it's been a busy week for us. After transfers, we have Zone Council Meeting, so yeah, FUN! LOL! I'm a bit sick for the past days so that's not good. But my companion took good care of me and I'm thankful for him.

Anyways, a lot has happened for the past 2 weeks. I'm so sorry for the late updates since we got loaded with works. As for our work, it's improving than ever. I have seen the change in our work gradually but surely. Also, our companionship unity is so great! I was pondering for the past days about it and I can say that I am now experiencing one of the greatest moments in my mission. 

Truly, there is no greater feeling than seeing your companion grow alongside with you. 
No greater feeling than seeing the progress of the work especially seeing members returning to Church and preparing to receive temple ordinances. 
No greater feeling than seeing the people that we teach feel the Spirit through us. 
No greater feeling than talking openly with your companion and appreciating all that we did for each other.
No greater feeling than feeling the Holy Ghost working in our companionship.
No greater feeling than learning the things I haven't learned outside the mission.
No greater feeling than having a family.
No greater feeling than feeling the love of our Father in Heaven.
No greater feeling than knowing that I am a child of God and that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
No greater feeling than knowing the sacredness of this calling.
No greater feeling than experiencing the best 2 years of my life.
And more....    :)

I am so happy. Zone Interviews are in a few days from now so I am excited and proud to tell President a lot of great things. I maybe in the office but, surely, it is one of the best experiences I ever had! I am so much grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost all throughout my mission. For all the things I've learned in my Personal Study as well as in Companionship Study. I am so much grateful for my companion, E. Pangilinan. He's one of the best companion I could ever wish for! I love him as my companion, a friend and a brother. Now I understand how I can adjust to my companions. His example as my Senior have affected me in so many ways.

One great experience I had with our companionship is teaching a Less-Active family. After that great teaching (thanks to the Spirit that we strongly felt), I told him how grateful I am to have him as my companion and how he helped me to be more strong, more active and more happy in the mission. And he told me the same. We also asked each other's forgiveness for our respective weaknesses and it really helped our companionship to be more stronger. I am so much grateful for the simple things we do each day, especially praying together. Truly, getting on our knees every morning and night have helped us to receive more revelations and strengthened the bond of our companionship. I can really testify about "preaching the gospel two by two". There is really a difference when a companionship support each other, unitedly teach by the Spirit and rely on it. How great is the effect of it!

Last week, we were given the opportunity to be visited by an apostle, Elder Cook. How great it is to see an apostle of the Lord. Also, Elder Teh and Sister Teh was there too. In Elder Teh's message to us, he asked us if we are still feeling the feeling when we first got here in the Mission. I am proud to say, "YES!". I have learned so much here in the Mission Field. To be edified by the Spirit, it's so surreal. I am so much grateful for all the people I've met here and for all the things, big or small, that I've learned from them.

I can never ever forget what my companion taught me. He shared to me that no matter how big or small a sin is, it is still a sin. And it is true. The gravity of it may be different but it is still a sin. I am so much grateful for Christ's atonement for our sins. To be cleansed from it and be able to be born anew, how great should be our joy as we receive the Gospel in our lives. All I can say now is whoever we are, or whatever we did in the past, God loves us so much. One proof would be John 3:16, that "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son...."

And also, I can never forget the short testimony of an Elder who is close to me before he got transferred in his first area, that "This Gospel is so beautiful." It is! And I can testify that it is. What more can I ask for than to know our Heavenly Father's plan for us. Seeing the eternal scheme of things, how beautiful it is. Surely, God knows better what's best for us.

In closing, I want to bear my testimony that this Church is true. That Joseph Smith is a prophet called of God to restore the Gospel here on earth. I am so much thankful that I know the Gospel and for all the blessings it has given me in my life. I am so much grateful to serve a Mission, to do the Lord's work, and be called as one of His representatives. I love the Gospel and all the things I've learned from it. I encourage you all to continue living the Gospel in your lives. That the greatest testimony we can give to others as members of the Church is "living a happy Latter-Day Saint Life." I know that all these things are true, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

I'm sorry if I haven't write a letter to all of you for quite a while but I will, soon. Hehe... But do write to me. I can't wait to receive one actually. I love you all! Take care! Peace! (:


I got rushed to the hospital (Emergency Room) last Sunday but I don't know the findings yet. It was scary because I had chills, almost near seizures. Do pray for me as well. Hehe... But I am thankful for my companion as well as my housemates for looking after me. Oh well. That's all

Elder Dimazana
Philippines Cagayan De Oro Mission

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Meeting an Apostle! - Week 22.Serving in Cagayan

Good day! First of all, got some chocolates from a family I really love. (:

As for our week, we had a spirit-filled week! It was really great. Despite the reduced time in proselyting this week, we need to look forward for greater things that can happen with our work. And it did! I consider this week one of the best weeks I ever had in the Mission.

We followed up with Bishop last Sunday concerns about our work wherein we told Bishop about what's happening in Home Teaching. We expressed our eagerness in helping the ward by volunteering as trainers in the workshop for the Home Teachers. Bishop liked it and he expressed his gratitude to us about it and in following-up with the New and Returning Member Progress Forms. Also, we will now hold a Special Sacrament for a sister every Sunday starting this coming Sunday.

As with our work, a brother who was reactivated just gave the invocation last Sunday for the Sacrament Meeting and his son, who recently received the Priesthood, passed the sacrament. How great was our joy to see his son passing the sacrament for the first time. Truly, we are happy to see them come back to Church! I felt Heavenly Father's love for us even more. As we were talking to him, he told us how happy he was to see his son passing the sacrament and how he accompanied and told his son what to do. Right now, brother is being focused to enter the temple again and perform ordinances there. We are now planning who else are closer to enter the temple and prepare them.

In our teaching with a sister, we told her the great news we have and she was so happy to hear it and was thankful for the help we've extended her. Because of that, I appreciated more that I'm able to attend the Sacrament Meetings. I've understood more the importance of weekly renewing our covenants with the Lord, to "offer up thy sacraments" as seen in D&C 59:9-10.

I want to share to you one of the greatest experience I had here in the Mission. As I was preparing Spiritually for the Missionary Meeting with Elder Cook, I've pondered so much on how I can be more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit, to just improve myself. Saturday morning came and as E. Pangilinan and I were on our way to the office to prepare the programs for the Meeting, I felt so peaceful, the same peace I felt while I am in the temple grounds! It made me so much happy. I miss the temple but feeling that way, surprised me. I asked myself countless times within the day, why did I felt that way. And I was pondering why, I assessed myself what more I can do, so that the strong feeling I have will stay with me each day. And I know what to do.

While E. Pangilinan and I were working, I got prompted to express my gratitude to him for all the things I've learned from him and for the great companionship we have. He responded the same way and the Spirit edified both of us all day long. It was one of the greatest days I had despite the reduced time in work. Truly, great things can happen in this work and I am so thankful for all the great Spiritual experiences I have here in the Mission. I am so thankful for my companion and for how the Spirit works in our companionship. I love Elder Pangilinan not only as my companion but as a brother. He has taught me a lot and I am so thankful for the great experiences we had in our companionship.

During the Missionary Meeting, one thing caught my attention while Elder Teh was sharing his message. It was when he asked us if we "feel the same way that we first feel when we arrived here in the Mission". I am so much happy to tell you that I do feel the same way when I first arrived here in Philippines Cagayan de Oro Mission. I am so grateful to our Father in Heaven for all the things He has done for me, for all the people I've met in my life, and for this great opportunity to serve a Mission.

I am impressed with the performance of the Missionaries during the Missionary Meeting. One question came to me, was this week's performance - of discipline, diligence and obedience - an act, or if it is really our true character? I saw how we are capable of being. If we are like that all the time, I can't imagine how the work would progress. That experience taught me more about being reverent. I learned that as we become more reverent, we can see a transformation in our lives. To really bring out what the Lord wants for us.

Well, I'm not feeling well for the past 2 days but I am thankful for how my co-office staffs are taking care of me, especially my companion. It's a great experience for me to get to know them and how they helped me and inspire me in this work.

I love you all! That's my week.

Elder Dimazana
Philippines Cagayan De Oro Mission